About Small Steps
Small Steps is our early years, early intervention service. Families with pre-school age children can access parenting support at weekly group sessions,* including help with issues such as parenting skills, behaviour challenge, budgeting, and healthy eating, plus signposting to other support services such as housing etc.
Weekly sessions on/at:
Wednesday 9.30 – 11am (all welcome Drop-In), The Key Centre, Feltham Lane
Thursday 12.30 – 2pm (by referral/book ahead) at Vallis First School, Community Room
£1 per child (suggested donation)
*one-to-one support is also accessible by arrangement; please get in touch.
All sessions run during term time only.
How to refer to Small Steps
The service is open to families who are referred to us by other organisations or by self-referral. Please complete the form below and email it to Sarah Hynds, our Early Intervention Worker on sarahhynds@purpleelephant.org.