About our family holiday activities
During each school holiday we run activities for the whole family to enjoy, with special events at Christmas. These are run in partnership with Fair Frome who provide a free lunch after the activity. We generally run activities on 3 days in each school holiday week and each activity usually lasts 2 hours. Parents or carers remain with their children and join in the fun. Each day will be different and might offer arts and crafts, sports, cookery, fun science, nature activities or even a magic show! Activities cost £2 per child (suggested donation) and meals are free.
Holiday activities are run by experienced activity providers, backed up by 2 family support staff plus volunteers, so that we can keep everyone safe and support those who need help, especially those with additional needs.

How to refer to our holiday activities
Our holiday activities are open to any family living in Frome or surrounding villages (mostly the BA11 area plus Coleford) who are in need of support plus families living anywhere in Somerset if they have additional needs or disabilities. To access our holiday activities please complete one of the forms below – you can complete the form yourself as a family or a professional can refer a family to the service.
For more information about our holiday activities please email Rebecca Harrison, Family Support Coordinator on rebeccaharrison@ purpleelephant.org.uk or ring Rebecca on 07935 242948.